Für O&O AppBuster ist eine neuere Version mit verbesserten Funktionen verfügbar!

Laden Sie die neue Version einfach hier herunter. Speichern Sie sie bitte in das selbe Verzeichnis, das Sie für die bisherige Version von O&O AppBuster verwendet haben oder in ein beliebiges anderes Verzeichnis. Eine Installation ist nicht notwendig.

Changelog for the recent versions

Version 1.4

Version 1.4.1345 – released on July 10, 2024

  • NEW: Native support for the ARM platform starting with Windows 11 version 24H2
  • NEW: Recommendations for removing unnecessary applications
  • NEW: Detection of new applications since the last program start
  • NEW: Display filter expanded
  • NEW: Revision of the UI layout
  • Available in German, English and French

Version 1.4.1344 – released on June 10, 2024

  • NEW: Revision of the layout of the UI
  • NEW: Extension of app detail
  • NEW: Configuration file is saved in the startup directory
  • FIX: Microsoft Edge is marked as non-uninstallable because it cannot be uninstalled
  • FIX: Display of manufacturer information
  • Available in German, English and French

Version 1.3

Version 1.3.1343 – released on April 25, 2023

  • NEW: Support for desktop applications (MSI packages)
  • NEW: Revision of the layout of the UI
  • NEW: Filter for Microsoft applications
  • NEW: Hiding of system and framework apps
  • NEW: Extension of app details
  • Available in German, English and French

Version 1.1

Version 1.1.1341 – released on april 05, 2022

  • NEW: Uninstallation for current user, all users and computers possible in one go
  • NEW: Selection of normal and hidden apps possible via action menu
  • NEW: Order of apps when uninstalling is optimized according to mutual dependencies
  • NEW: Revision of the layout of the UI
  • NEW: Dark mode is supported
  • Available in English and German

Version 1.1.1340 – released on decenmber 17, 2021

  • NEW: Windows 11 support
  • NEW: Settings are saved in the configuration file in the user profile
  • NEW: Layout and UI
  • FIX: The status of the apps is now updated immediately after installation and uninstallation
  • Available in English and German

Version 1.1.1339 – released on april 2, 2019

  • NEW: The storage space of old apps is now fully released
  • NEW: View settings are saved
  • NEW: Search also possible via hidden apps
  • NEW: Display of hidden apps in status
  • NEW: System information in the info dialog
  • FIX: Incorrect product name in INI file
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Available in English and German

Version 1.0

Version 1.0.1338 – released on February 21, 2019

  • FIX: Exceptions for invalid package information are now handled

Version 1.0.1337 – released on February 19, 2019

  • First public release