Product Details

Discover the O&O PowerPack, the ultimate software bundle for maintaining and backing up your Windows PCs. The O&O PowerPack consists of five powerful tools to help you back up your data, optimise your hard drives, save space and much more. We would be delighted if you read on to find out more about the benefits and features of our products.

Why O&O PowerPack?

With the O&O PowerPack you get a comprehensive solution for the maintenance and backup of your Windows PCs. Ideal for home users who want to expand their computer knowledge, the PowerPack offers simple but powerful tools to keep your data safe and your systems running efficiently.

These products are included in the O&O PowerPack:

O&O DiskImage

With O&O DiskImage you can image your entire PC or individual drives and files – according to your needs. The images can be restored quickly and easily, even on different hardware.
DiskImage ToGo: Create a rescue boot medium and back up data automatically.
RecoveryPartition: Access the last system image directly to restore your system quickly.
With the comprehensive VHD/VHDX functionality, you can use virtual machines for flexible backup solutions.

O&O SafeErase

With O&O SafeErase you can delete your data securely and permanently, making it impossible to recover. This is ideal if you want to sell or dispose of your old computer. This protects your sensitive information from unauthorised access. With this programme, you can permanently remove files, directories, partitions and even the entire computer.
Do you want to delete your Internet files and protect your online privacy? That is also possible. Simply select one of the six deletion methods that suits your security needs.

O&O Defrag

O&O Defrag is a program that optimises your hard disks and SSDs. This maximises the performance of your system and extends the life of your hardware. Regular defragmentation ensures better system speed and shorter access times.

Intensive Optimize: Uses the maximum system performance to comprehensively optimise your system.
Check & Repair: O&O Defrag checks your hard drive and repairs any errors.
AppBuster: Removes unwanted Windows apps and thus saves valuable storage space – especially on SSDs.

O&O AutoBackup

O&O AutoBackup automatically synchronises and backs up your important files and folders to external storage devices such as USB sticks or external hard drives. With just a few clicks, you can easily define which data should be backed up. O&O AutoBackup does the rest for you – every time you connect your backup medium. Your data is copied directly and is immediately accessible on the backup medium, even without the software.

Automatic synchronisation: Simple and practical, because the synchronisation of your data starts automatically as soon as you connect your backup medium.
Another highlight is the simple operation. Thanks to intuitive file selection and synchronisation options, handling is really uncomplicated.
Made in Germany: Highest quality and security – that’s what we stand for with our name.

O&O DiskStat

O&O DiskStat is a great tool for identifying and eliminating space wasters on your PC. With clear lists and tables, you can immediately see which files and folders are taking up the most space. This makes it easy to delete superfluous data.
Clear visualisation: You can easily see which files and folders are taking up the most storage space.
This way you can avoid critical storage space problems: O&O DiskStat recommends that you take timely measures to save space.
We have improved the user interface so that you can use our programme even more intuitively and easily. This saves you time and makes it easy to find your way around.

Subscription or one-time purchase – you decide

You can buy the O&O PowerPack once and use the purchased versions of the included products permanently (upgrades are not included in the price). Or would you prefer to take out a subscription so that you always get the latest versions of the included products as soon as they are released (all upgrades are included in the subscription price).

O&O PowerPack: Get your PC fighting-fit again!